Today’s guest is the founder and CEO of Powur, Jonathan Budd. On the show, we learn how the success journey Jonathan has been on is by no means been linear. He shares how a deep sense of disconnection with himself caused by wounds early in life led to him living a gangster thug-type lifestyle at a very young age. It wasn’t until he had an awakening, while looking down the barrel of a gun at the age of 20, that his life started to change and he began to find a sense of purpose and direction. He found enormous success doing online marketing in the early days of Facebook advertising. By age 26 he had already earned $10,000,000, making him one of the fastest and youngest success stories in the history of direct sales. He then founded Empowered Entrepreneurs to teach others the principles of entrepreneurship and modern-day marketing. Ultimately, Jonathan decided to leave the online marketing space because it wasn’t providing fulfillment. He reveals how a life-changing experience in Mexico helped him his true life purpose. We discuss how all of these breakthrough movements made him the person he is today. Jonathan is very direct and does not censor his life story so you will hear all of this raw and uncensored. We discuss the painful loss of his mother, why he believes most entrepreneurs fail, what he means we he talks about the importance of going deep, and why he says energy management is the most crucial success habit he practices. We also learn about the vision for the Foundation he established to help move the needle in our quest to get off of fossil fuels. As you can see, this one is jam-packed so I hope you enjoy this episode of Insight Out.
Organization referenced in the show:
Learn more about Jonathan Budd:
Website: https://jonathanbudd.com/
Linkedin: linkedin.com/in/jonathan-budd-2397b4b
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JonathanBuddLIVE/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/jonathanbudd
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/jonathanbuddtv
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